Hadeed Saudi Iron & Steel Company - Upgrading of Material Handling System

Hadeed - Upgrading of Material Handling System

The Material Handling System, which allows to transport the raw material in a fully automated way from the ship unloader at the port over a distance of about almost 13km to the stockyard of the steel plant, had to be upgraded from a capacity of 5 to 8 Mio tons a year which is equal to about 3.000 tons an hour.

Along the conveyor route a total of 5 Containerized Substations has been installed. Due to the very short shut down period, all of these Power stations have been prefabricated and tested in Austria and then installed on site within a very short timeframe. Following equipment is mainly installed in the Containerized Substations:

Medium- & Low Voltage Switchgear

MV & LV Frequency Converters

Power and Distribution Transformers

PLC and HMI Hardware (DCS)

Telephone System

UPS and DC Power Supply Units

Furthermore a higher-level Control System including visualization has been installed in order to operate and control the entire Bulk Handling System - from the port to the Steel Plant.


Material Handling, Power Distribution, Automation