Prior EQ-Staff References

Prior EQ-Staff References
Every EQ-Staff member is proud about the following successfully completed projects:
Andritz AG - Refiner Systems, Vienna, Austria - MDF-projects in Brasil, Malaysia, USA, Germany, Vietnam, China, ...
Arak Petrochemical Co, Tehran, Iran - Petrochemical Plant
Austrian Energy & Environment SGP/Waagner-Biró, Graz, Austria - Vasilikos Power Station Unit 1 & 2, Cyprus
Austrian Energy & Environment SGP/Waagner-Biró, Vienna - 19 Sewage Treatment Plants for the National Organization for Potable Water and Sanitary Drainage (N.O.P.W.A.S.D.), Egypt, Waste Utilization Plant AVL, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Bentonit Hungaria Kft, Egyhàzaskeszö, Hungary - Manufacturing Building for „Bentonit“
Cirjan Tire Company, Kerman, Iran - Tire Factory
Kala Naft Co. Tehran, Iran - Petrochemical Plant
Karolak GmbH, Weilburg, Germany - Pumping Stations for Water, Libya
Mashhad, Iran - Touss Power Plant
MCE Anlagenbau Germany GmbH, Munich, Germany - Biomass Power Plant Fechenheim, Germany
MEDOIL Düsseldorf Germany - Amal Power Plant, VEBA Oil Libya
Morgan Europe Ltd., Sheffield, GB - Wire Rod Mill, Belarus
National Iranian Oil Engineering & Construction Co., Iran - Crude Oil Pumping Facility
Shiraz Petrochemical Co, Teheran, Iran - Petrochemical Plant
STRABAG Bau-AG, Vienna, Austria - Third Nairobi Water Supply Project
Thyssen Rheinstahl Technik GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany - Viktor Lenac Shipyard Rijeka, Croatia
Power Distribution, Automation